VarTerels’ Universe

A story of adventure and intrigue follows a group of diverse characters on a quest to save the last remnant of Old Earth and to bring balance to their home planets. Traveling through time and dimension, young and old combine wits and magic to thwart the diabolical plot of those determined to conquer and enslave the unique populations that inhabit the Inner Universe.

Displayed in recommended reading order are…

Novels: Available in paperback, hardcover, and eBook format. Illustrated with original art beginning each chapter (color in eBooks). The cover and five of the chapter headings are shown for each of the eight novels.

Companion Shorts: eBooks in Simple Format tuned for reading on a small screen such as a phone or eReader. Text only (with a couple exceptions). The covers are shown.

Tap on any cover below will take you to your store.

DiMensioner’s Revenge : Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book One, 630 pages, 79 illustrations

Discovery : Companion Short 1.1, 43 pages

Gifts : Companion Short 1.2, 58 pages

Rescue : Companion Short 1.3, 56 pages

Metamorphosis : Companion Short 1.4, 55 pages

ConDra’s Fire : Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book Two, 500 pages, 59 illustrations

Encounters : Companion Short 2.1, 51 pages

MasTer’s Reach : Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book Three, 690 pages, 61 illustrations

Wanted : Companion Short 3.1, 56 pages

Jaradee’s Legacy : Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book Four, 372 pages, 53 illustrations

Fishing : Companion Short 4.1, 53 pages

Incirrata Secret : Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book Five, 430 pages, 61 illustrations

Lessons : Companion Short 5.1, 49 pages

Corps Stones : Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book Six, 420 pages, 54 illustrations

Duplicity : Companion Short 6.1, 54 pages

Mocendi’s Gambit : Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book Seven, 340 pages, 36 illustrations

Rescue : Companion Short 1.3, 56 pages

Queen’s Quest: Illustrated by the Author, VarTerels’ Universe Book Eight, 410 pages, 45 illustrations

The story behind ’Companion Shorts’

I started writing a Companion Short when I was deep into formatting my very first book. The creative side of my brain was screaming for a chance to write while it was trapped for weeks in the analytical formatting software…orphans, widows, rivers, spacing - HELP!!! Creating a ‘short’ allowed me to survive.

Now, years later, my partner has taken over the formatting (what a blessing!) but I continue to love writing Shorts. Now I use ‘Shorts’ to explore characters, places, or ideas that don’t quite fit into a VarTerels’ Universe novel.
